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Social Commitment: Flottweg Donates €7,000 to Local Institutions

At the end of 2022, Flottweg launched a fundraising campaign involving both employees and management. A total of €7,000 has now been donated through this campaign. The amount was equally distributed among the organizations Haus Pater Viktrizius and Hospizverein Vilsbiburg. Haus Pater Viktrizius offers shelter to people with disabilities, while the hospice association Hospizverein Vilsbiburg accompanies seriously ill and dying patients on their final journey with their family members at their side. These two organizations were deliberately chosen so that the donated funds could benefit regional projects.

2023-spende-hospizverein 2023-spende-haus-Pater-Viktrizius

High Donation Rates at Flottweg

Flottweg is strongly rooted in the region and demonstrates this through a strong social commitment. As part of this commitment, the company regularly supports charitable organizations and good causes. Board spokesman Dr. Kersten Link is delighted by the Flottweg family’s willingness to donate: "The fact that so many employees participated in the fundraising makes us proud because we are now we are working together to support two great organizations."


Gertraud Ertl, Chairman of Hospizverein Vilsbiburg, is pleased by the support: “Our work has been strengthened and encouraged by Flottweg’s donation because it shows Flottweg’s allegiance to the idea of a hospice, and we can use it to finance our training and further education of volunteer hospice workers and grief counselors. In the last few weeks in particular, we trained 14 hospice counselors through a three-day training course so that they can provide future assistance to the public when it comes to advance healthcare directives and healthcare proxies.”


The Home Director of Pater Viktrizius Rudolf Oßner is also grateful for the donation: “As an institution of the Catholic Church Foundation Bonbruck, Haus Pater Viktrizius is very pleased by Flottweg SE’s and its employees' willingness to donate to the inclusion and participation efforts being made for people with disabilities.“


First picture (From left to right): Gertraud Ertl from the Vilsbiburg Hospice Association together with Astrid Grimm and Nils Engelke from Flottweg.

Second picture (from left to right): Facility manager Rudolf Oßner, pastor Dr. Cyprian Anyanwu as well as Astrid Grimm and Nils Engelke from Flottweg.



Julia Deliano  
PR & Content Manager

Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8 
84137 Vilsbiburg 

Phone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1572 