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New Flottweg rotor for Vilsbiburg's wastewater treatment plant

In mid-May, the time had come: after 24 years of operation, the Vilsbiburg wastewater treatment plant received a new, modernized rotor for its decanter. This has been in use since 2000 and helps to dewater the sewage sludge. It treats the wastewater around Vilsbiburg, from Seyboldsdorf via Solling to Frauensattling and Kurzbach. 

Continuous modernization important
Modernizing the existing technology was the most economical decision for the wastewater treatment plant, as the dewatering system is still in a very good overall condition: "We are very satisfied with the Flottweg decanter, it runs reliably, is easy to operate and requires little maintenance," explains Franz Wolker, deputy operations manager at the wastewater treatment plant. "Replacing the centrifuge rotor was the best overall package for us, as a new machine would have meant a major conversion within the wastewater treatment plant." 
The technically modernized, new rotor combines several advantages: The central task of a wastewater treatment plant is environmental protection and by retaining most of the existing plant technology and building fabric, raw material resources were used sustainably. This resulted in lower investment costs, which in turn benefits citizens through wastewater charges. In addition, the rotor was replaced within a few hours, which meant that the processes in the sewage treatment plant were not disrupted.


However, the Vilsbiburg wastewater treatment plant is not only focusing on modernization when it comes to sludge dewatering.
Over the past few years, the plant has been continuously modernized: in 2021, for example, the CHP unit was replaced. The sewage gases produced during the treatment process can now be used more efficiently. Together with photovoltaics, the sewage treatment plant generates around 23,000 kWh of electricity per month. The focus of the modernization measures was always to increase the economic efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant and to act sustainably. 

Why a decanter?

Sewage sludge is produced during the processing of wastewater, which has to be disposed of for a fee. This is exactly where Flottweg's decanter comes into play, as it separates the solid-liquid wastewater mixture into water and sewage sludge. This means that the less water remains in the sewage sludge, the lower the disposal costs. The more efficiently the decanter works, the better the effect on costs, as disposal of the sludge is paid by weight.
With the replacement of the rotor, the Vilsbiburg wastewater treatment plant is now using more advanced and modernized technology, achieving astonishing results: up to 3% more dry material can be achieved, which in turn reduces the amount of sludge to be disposed of by up to 10%. This results in significant cost savings for the sewage treatment plant. In addition, a higher throughput is achieved, which means that the daily machine running time is shorter. This and the use of Flottweg's Recuvane® energy recovery system simultaneously save 10% of the electricity requirement. 



Julia Deliano  
PR- & Content Manager

Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8 
84137 Vilsbiburg 

Phone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1572  