Trainees discover development opportunities at Flottweg
With the motto "Discover your own potential and development paths", career days were held at Flottweg in mid-May for trainees in the commercial area as well as in the areas of industrial mechanics, mechatronics and warehouse logistics. As training is the first contact with the world of work for many young adults, the second-year trainees had the opportunity to take an in-depth look at their interests and opportunities at Flottweg over two days.
Identifying strengths together
In the career workshop on the first day, the young people reflected together on their own strengths, interests and ideas about their future careers in a variety of exercises. Among other things, the "back report" exercise was carried out, in which the trainees wrote down each other's strengths and stuck them on their backs. "This exercise helps the trainees to supplement their self-image with a variety of valuable feedback from their colleagues," says Franziska Schandl, who initiated the career workshop, describing the aim of the exercise.
As the workshop progressed, the trainees used Lego Serious Play to build a model of their dream job in three to five years' time. This helped the trainees to visualize a concrete idea of their career path and to work out the most important aspects visually.
Getting to know development paths at Flottweg
On the second day, the focus was on "Your personal Flottweg": around 15 employees gave short presentations to the trainees about their development paths at the mechanical engineering company. In addition to gaining an insight into the numerous career opportunities at Flottweg, the trainees were also able to ask questions and engage in a direct exchange with the various colleagues. "It is important to us that the trainees see concrete examples of the career paths available at Flottweg. The earlier the trainees can see how they can develop with us, the easier it will be for them to decide which area they really want to work in once they have completed their training," explains Josef Steckermeier, initiator of the lecture series. "The personal exchange with colleagues and the opportunity to ask questions is also very important to us. It helps the trainees to get a concrete picture of their personal career path."