Sewage Treatment Plant in Vienna Decides on Flottweg Decanters
As part of a Europe-wide call for tenders, Flottweg was awarded a contract from the ebswien main sewage treatment facility for five model Z92 decanter centrifuges. The total order volume is over three million Euros. The main sewage treatment plant in Vienna will be equipped with five Flottweg Decanters.

"E_OS – Energie_Optimierung-Schlammbehandlung" (energy optimization and sludge treatment) is the name of the largest project at the ebswien main sewage treatment facility in the energy arena. The core of the system will be six digesters, each 30 meters high, in which sewage sludge is converted to treatment gas. This gas is then converted to energy and heat in thermal power stations.
To control the digestion process and its highly sensitive microorganisms, the incoming sludge with its fluctuating solid content of 2 to 4% must be thickened to a value as close as possible to 7.5%.
During intensive preliminary experimentation at the sewage treatment plant with different mechanical thickening systems, it provided that this strict requirement was best met using Flottweg Decanters. On top of that, the Flottweg OSE Decanter also proved to be the most cost-effective solution in comparison with the alternative thickening assemblies.
Other criteria in the decision were the high separation degree and low flocculant consumption. Flottweg also scored points with the system operators with its low energy consumption.
The main sewage treatment plant in Vienna is one more large project with name recognition that Flottweg has been able to win. Vienna will be one more in a series of large sewage treatment plants, along with Hamburg, Rome, St. Petersburg, and Shanghai, who rely on Flottweg Know-How.