Xtra Performance for the Big Players: The X7E as a High-Performance Centrifuge for Large Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage sludge dewatering offers enormous savings potential for sewage treatment plants, as the transport and disposal of dewatered sewage sludge often account for 80% of operating costs for mechanical dewatering. Therefore, powerful and efficient dewatering units are very important when it comes to a sewage treatment plant's profitability. Depending on the plant's capacity, just one percent more dry matter in the dewatered sludge can achieve savings in the five- to six-figure range each year.

In 2018, Flottweg developed the Xelletor series specifically for high-level dewatering. It sets new standards in terms of throughput, dry matter, and polymer and energy consumption. The X7E is the largest decanter centrifuge in the X-series and is designed primarily for use in large sewage treatment plants serving a population equivalent of 200,000 or more and an associated maximum throughput capacity of 60 to 140 m3/h (264 to 616 gpm). Tests carried out at customer sites also demonstrate that the X7E not only excels in relation to high throughput, but also impresses as a performance-enhanced machine in terms of energy efficiency.
"The bigger the sewage treatment plant, the more money that can ultimately be saved. Therefore, parameters such as dry matter, power consumption or polymer consumption are critical for large sewage treatment plants," explains Tobias Meßmer, Product Manager for Decanters. "In this context, the X7E offers the optimal solution. This is because the Xelletor series continually sets new standards when it comes to throughput, dry matter, and polymer and energy consumption."
The X7E in operation: 12 machines in use at Wien Energie
Since October 2021, Wien Energie, Austria’s largest regional energy provider, has had twelve new Flottweg X7E decanter centrifuges available for daily sludge dewatering. In addition to the delivery and installation of the twelve decanter centrifuges, the associated electrical and I&C integration and connection to the existing plant was conducted in individual construction phases. The new sewage sludge dewatering plant is thus fully in line with Wien Energie's innovative focus on the future.