Engineered For Your Success


Milling Instead of Hairstyling – Girls' Day at Flottweg

A total of 21 girls from multiple schools enthusiastically visited Flottweg in Vilsbiburg on March 28. The occasion: Girls' Day 2019. Girls' Day is a Germany-wide initiative aimed at getting girls interested in technical and scientific careers.


The girls not only got a tour of the company premises, they were also able to participate in some activities of their own in the shop. The agenda included a question-and-answer session for the visitors given by female apprentices.


The 21 girls arrived at the separation technology specialist in the Industriestraße on Thursday morning. After the apprenticeship program managers greeted them, students were then split into two groups.

 One group received a tour of the company, while the other group began practical work. With great enthusiasm, the girls filed, drilled and milled their own little workpiece together. They even got to try to work at the CNC milling center. This year's project was to create a pen or notebook holder, which could be taken home at the end of the day. The girls especially enjoyed the active teamwork.

In recent years, Girls' Day has made it possible to arrange internships for interested applicants. 




Nils Engelke

PR and Communications Manager


Flottweg SE

Industriestraße 6-8 

84137 Vilsbiburg 


Telephone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1577 
