Innovator of the Year ceremony: Flottweg's nozzle separator receives award
On 17.11.2023, the official "Innovator of the Year" ceremony was held by the business portal DIE DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFT. Flottweg's FDS2000 nozzle separator was awarded the innovation prize in the "Innovator of the Year" category for its customer-centric development. As an energy-efficient, maintenance-optimized and powerful separation unit, the nozzle separator impressed the nomination committee, which consists of 24 well-known personalities from business, science and the media. The prize has been awarded annually since 2017 to innovative pioneers from numerous sectors of the economy.

An innovation with the customer in focus
In specialist circles, the nozzle separator principle was considered to be exhausted: as a result, numerous customers turned to Flottweg. Flottweg recognized the customer's pain and fundamentally questioned the existing design principles. Flottweg started the development process with an interdisciplinary team: the aim was to rethink the "nozzle separator" principle from the ground up in order to develop a significantly more powerful and at the same time highly efficient separation unit. At the same time, operating and maintenance costs as well as resource consumption were to be significantly reduced. All of these aspects were ultimately combined in a separation unit that is optimally tailored to the customer's needs.
"We are delighted that Flottweg has been named Innovator of the Year with the nozzle separator. This award shows that the interdisciplinary approach has provided the right impetus: On the one hand, we listened carefully to our customers and implemented their wishes and needs, and on the other hand, an interdisciplinary team from the fields of development, process engineering and production was involved in the design and development of the nozzle separator"; explains senior product manager Matthias Gaube. "Our knowledge and expertise, combined with the wishes of our customers, have made a successful separation unit possible that combines both state-of-the-art technology and the set market requirements. We are delighted that this has not only convinced the customer, but also the Innovator of the Year jury."
Picture: Flottweg representatives Christoph Hobmeier, Julia Deliano and Matthias Gaube together with honorary award winner Sarna Röser and Prof. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher (from left to right). Credit: Innovator des Jahres / Tony Haupt, TonyHauptPhoto.
Julia Deliano
PR- & Content Manager
Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8
84137 Vilsbiburg
Phone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1572
E-Mail: delian@flottweg.com