Grand start under exceptional conditions - Flottweg Training 2020
A total of 19 trainees began their training on 01.09. at the Flottweg company in Vilsbiburg. In the first few days, the young trainees did not go to the centrifuge manufacturer's lathe machine shop, but instead took part in team games to get to know each other. With 19 girls and boys, this year Flottweg is once again one of the largest training companies in the Landshut district.

In the past few years, new Flottweg trainees have always taken part in a get-to-know-each-other camp over several days. However, due to Corona, this was not possible this year. It was still important to the training management team around Daniel Wimmer, to replace the camp and to give the newcomers, as far as possible, positive and enjoyable experiences. So without further hesitation an internal company event was created. The 2020 trainees had to demonstrate their manual dexterity in a series of team games and at the same time work together in a group.
The start into the new working world at Flottweg has thus been a good one. The commercial trainee Selina Jahn is visibly satisfied with her decision: "I have been incredibly well received by Flottweg. This began with friendly job interviews and continued through the first few days. I am currently working for two months in the personnel department, where I have already been assigned many tasks. I enjoy it very much"
A total of 11 industrial mechanics, 6 mechatronic technicians and 2 industrial clerks with further qualification as foreign language correspondent have started their training.
Corona changes the world of work, but not the way we work together
With more than 60 trainees, Flottweg is one of the largest vocational training companies in the Landshut region. For this reason the company has an in-house training workshop. Despite the spacious premises, special measures had to be taken in the past weeks and months due to Corona. For example, all trainees wear a mask when they leave their workplace. The meal times have also been divided so that the common room is not crowded. Training manager Daniel Wimmer is proud of how well his protégés implement the measures: "Wearing a mask and keeping the minimum distance is completely integrated into everyday life for the new trainees and did not cause any acceptance problems at the start of the training".
Nils Engelke
PR and Communications Manager
Flottweg SE
Industriestrasse 6-8
84137 Vilsbiburg
Telephone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1577
Telefax: +49 (8741) 301 - 303
E-mail: enge@flottweg.com