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Flottweg and Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg jointly promote e-mobility on site

Separation technology specialist Flottweg is moving towards sustainable mobility together with Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg: a total of 14 new charging stations for electric vehicles has been put into operation at Flottweg in Plant 1 and Plant 2. The goals of Flottweg and Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg are to make a long-term contribution in order to reduce CO2 emissions and to promote electromobility locally. All charging stations are a 100% powered by electricity from renewable sources.


There are four charging stations at Baumgartenstraße at Plant 2. For Plant 1, six parking spaces have been put into operation at Industriestraße and four at Benzstraße. In close cooperation, the project was implemented within 7 weeks of planning and construction and the charging stations were put into operation.


Pointing the way towards e-mobility

"We are proud that we implemented this future-oriented project together with Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg. It was a truly outstanding collaboration and cooperation," explains CEO Peter Frankfurter. "For Flottweg employees, but also for visitors and the entire region of Vilsbiburg, the charging stations are now a point of contact. The topic of environmentally friendly technologies has always played a major role at Flottweg."


Mayor Sibylle Entwistle is also enthusiastic about the collaboration: "The town of Vilsbiburg is pleased to be working with Flottweg to further advance e-mobility in our region. The new charging stations offer a contemporary and future-proof way to conveniently charge electric vehicles and thus contribute to a clean and livable environment. It's great that we were able to win Flottweg as a major industrial customer."


Photo: (from left to right):
Dr. Kersten Link (Flottweg Board of Management), Wolfgang Schmid (Plant Manager Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg), Andreas Birnkammer (Project Manager Fiber Optics and E-Mobility Stadtwerke Vilsbiburg), Stefan Königer (Facility Management Flottweg), Sibylle Entwistle (Mayor of the City of Vilsbiburg) and Peter Frankfurter (Flottweg Board of Management).



Julia Deliano  
PR- & Content Manager

Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8 
84137 Vilsbiburg 

Phone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1572  