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Entering the world of work: graduates complete their training at Flottweg

With the end of their training at Flottweg, five talented apprentices in the fields of industrial mechanics, mechatronics and industrial clerks with further qualifications as foreign language correspondents have reached an important intermediate step in their professional careers. Four graduates will be taken on by Flottweg and will support the separation technology specialist in various departments in the future, such as assembly, service or order logistics. As Flottweg primarily trains for its own needs, the chances of being taken on after training are very good. At the end of the training, a joint breakfast was held to review the past years. 

2024-ausbildungsende-titelbild As a final highlight of the training period, the graduates enjoyed a breakfast together.

Training manager Daniel Wimmer is positive about the completion of the apprenticeship: "My trainers and I are delighted that our apprentices have successfully completed their training. By completing their training at Flottweg, they have not only reached an important milestone, but have also laid the foundations for their future careers. We wish all graduates a good start in their new departments and for their future careers." 
