Engineered For Your Success

Dough Mixer

Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty are the watchwords of the Flottweg Dough Mixer. Take advantage of our knowledge and ask for advice!

Flottweg Separation Technology The Flottweg Dough Mixer

Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty describe the Flottweg Dough Mixer (DMF). Dough mixers are used for the continuous, no-caking, no-residue mixing or processing of wheat flour and water. Flottweg designed the dough mixer with an optimum arrangement of paddles to the mixer housing. The result: a homogeneous dough that can be processed in later steps without problems. Thanks to the continuous, gentle product handling, the Flottweg Dough Mixer meets requirements perfectly. 

The Advantages of the Flottweg Dough Mixer (DMF) Designed By Our Specialists

  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Continuous mixing and gentle product handling
  • Parts in contact with product are stainless steel
  • Low-maintenance
  • Mixing without caking and without residue
  • Suitable for other applications as well
Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty are the watchwords of the Flottweg Dough Mixer.

Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty are the watchwords of the Flottweg Dough Mixer. 

Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty are the watchwords of the Flottweg Dough Mixer.

Hygienic, low-maintenance, and heavy-duty are the watchwords of the Flottweg Dough Mixer. 

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