Remote maintenance from Flottweg - secure and fast
A technician is required on site for commissioning, maintenance or repair work. The latter checks for and repairs any existing damage and replaces wearing parts. Competent service personnel are indispensable. On site service can be supplemented via remote access to make maintenance, commissioning or repairs even more efficient.
Technicians from our head office can connect to the system on site via a VPN connection and carry out a remote diagnoses. The link and the data are completely secure.
Flottweg customers save time and money through our remote maintenance capability.
Remote diagnosis and support - Flottweg's remote maintenance capabilities
Remote maintenance by Flottweg can be used in various scenarios.
- For commissioning: Experts from headquarters can support service technicians on site (especially, for example, during periods of restricted travel)
- In cases of malfunctions: Flottweg personnel remotely analyze the malfunction and if necessary can correct it immediately.
- Individual customization: Should modifications to the system make it necessary to carry out changes to the programming, these can be carried out via remote maintenance.
- Remote diagnosis of the condition of the bowl's bearings via Flottweg Motice.
A secure connection and protected data
Flottweg only carries out remote maintenance via a secure platform. Remote maintenance is only carried out with the explicit authorization of the customer. The user interface as well as the electrical cabinets are perfectly adapted to these requirements. This means more security for our customers and protection against the unlawful use of their data.
Flottweg uses the remote maintenance portal Talk2M to ensure a high level of security. Talk2M is the first secure, industrial and cloud-based remote maintenance platform. With worldwide distributed servers, Talk2M offers a very reliable, efficient and highly secure solution for the remote maintenance of machines. Talk2M tracks thousands of user accounts and also provides a complete connection history.
Standard in all Flottweg control cabinets
A VPN router (from eWON) is always integrated in Flottweg control cabinets. This means that Flottweg remote maintenance is available at any time. The activation of the router and remote maintenance is of course only carried out with the expressed consent of the customer. It requires no additional equipment or installation.
After authorization by the user, the remote maintenance solution can be activated and used immediately.
Service quality and service security
Via remote maintenance, we have the opportunity to support our service technicians on site in the best possible way. This considerably simplifies on site commissioning, maintenance and repair work. Our customers benefit from more efficient service, which means increased savings in terms of both time and cost.