Engineered For Your Success

Flottweg Engineering and
Process Solutions

  • Complete technical solutions - from planning to operation
  • Innovative features for Flottweg decanters, separators and other products
  • Maximum process efficiency through customized automation solutions

Success is...getting the maximum from the process.

In addition to the machine, the efficiency of the entire process plays an important role in achieving the best results. With the right engineering and the right solutions, you will get the most out of your process. We take over the engineering for you from project planning to the planning of complete process solutions. Your advantages: A reliable and efficient operating process.

From the individual machine to the efficient integrated process


Decanter Features

Numerous features and success factors influence the performance of our decanter centrifuges. The equipment features are adapted to the respective requirements.


Separator Features

These features make our separator outstanding and highly efficient. The options are as varied as there are separator applications.


Process Automation

Our decanters, separators and solutions are often used in complex processes. To manage complex processes, simple and safe control and automation options are required.


Dough Mixer

The Flottweg dough mixer complements the process portfolio and ensures homogeneous mixing of wheat flour and water.


Curved Screen

In some processes, the Flottweg curved screen supports starch and gluten separation or static solid-liquid separation.

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