Engineered For Your Success

Centrifuges for the
sewage sludge sector

  • Many years of expertise in sewage sludge treatment for maximum process reliability
  • Lower operating costs with energy-saving centrifuges
  • Worldwide service and support from local subsidiaries

More efficiency in sewage sludge treatment

Clean water is becoming an increasingly valuable raw material, which is why the importance of municipal waste water treatment continues to grow. In order to keep soil and water clean, sludges resulting from drinking water and waste water treatment must be separated as efficiently as possible. For the dewatering and thickening of sewage sludge, industrial centrifuges are now considered the state of the art. They are cost-effective, energy-saving and efficient.

Flottweg has over 50 years of experience in dewatering and thickening of sewage sludge. We are aware of the special requirements of sewage treatment plants and the water industry.

Specially developed sewage sludge centrifuges for the particular requirements of sewage treatment plants

The most important goal in dewatering is to maximize the reduction of the volume of sewage sludge. The reason for this is that every tenth of a percent increase in dry solids in the sludge reduces the costs of sludge disposal. The dewatering decanters of the C-series and X-series reduce operating costs and energy consumption and achieve a higher dry solids content.

During thickening, a high degree of separation and a low polymer consumption are extremely important. Both relieve the burden on subsequent process and improve the overall performance of the waste water treatment plant. Flottweg decanters for sludge thickening concentrate the dry solids content of the sewage sludge to a few percent.

Our decanter centrifuges can also be used for optimum sludge thickening using polymer-based starch flocculants. Starch polymer is largely degradable and very good values can be achieved with our decanters.

The treatment of drinking water produces waterworks sludge. Decanter centrifuges are used to reduce the cost of transport and landfill of the sludge produced. They increase the dry solids content and at the same time reduce the amount of polymer required.

Flottweg - there for you worldwide

Numerous centrifuges are used worldwide in a wide variety of waste water treatment applications in sewage treatment plants.

Through our numerous branches and service companies all over the world, we are there where you need us. Benefit from our decades of experience in sewage sludge treatment. Then get in touch with us!

Operating costs significantly reduced

The Greenway sewage treatment plant replaced the existing belt presses for sewage sludge dewatering with decanter centrifuges. You can see why and their success in this video.

How a sewage treatment plant saves 900,000CAD per year
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Water Environment Federation