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Treatment of process waste water from the paper industry

  • Cost reduction through recovery of valuable pigments from the process wastewater
  • Higher dry substance content with lower environmental impact and disposal costs
  • Efficient water reuse through separation technology in paper production

Environmentally Friendly Recovery of Process Wastewater from the Paper Industry

Paper manufacturing uses enormous quantities of water. Processing primary fibers, such as wood or pulp, into new paper and recycling used paper both require large amounts of water.

With both processses, the pulp must be put into a suspension with water in order for the paper to obtain an even structure. Consequently, enormous volumes of wastewater are produced. As a result, a decanter is essential for recovering and processing wastewater. The centrifuge 

  • Reduces costs
  • Minimizes the release of hazardous substances
  • Contributes to environmental protection

Recycling used paper with Decanter centrifuges

Generally speaking, less water is needed when recycling paper than when manufacturing new paper. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of waste water is produced during the process.

The main problem when recycling paper is removing the printing ink from the waste paper (de-inking). De-inking introduces special residues into the wastewater, which the decanter removes during its process.  As a result, decanter centrifuges play a key role in recycling waste paper.

Processing of Paper Sludge with Industrial Centrifuges Processing of Paper Sludge with Industrial Centrifuges

Cost reduction by recycling pigments

Of all production processes, manufacturing paper is one of the most water-use intensive. Depending on the paper quality desired, it is necessary to add additional chemical substances, such as whitening agents, dyes and pigments to the water.  In order to reuse these chemicals and pigments, manufacturers extract them from the process wastewater. This saves the paper industry significant costs. The decanter centrifuge is a cost-effective tool for pigment recycling.

Environmentally friendly dewatering of primary and surplus sludge

To reduce environmental pollution, many pulp mills have biological sewage treatment plants. Flottweg centrifuges handle the task of dewatering the sludge waste produced by biological sewage treatment.

The advantages of dewatering primary and surplus sludge are that the reduced sludge volume is less costly to transport, and the increased energy yield from the downstream energetic recycling. 

Outstanding Results with the Flottweg Decanter Centrifuge

Decanters from Flottweg help the paper industry to reach their goals.

  • Saving storage and disposal costs due to High total dry solids content saves on storage and disposal costs.
  • Minimizes of the use of fresh water
  • Recovers expensive pigments for reuse
  • Contributes to environmental protection

A Flottweg Decanter centrifuge is the best solution for your processing needs

Whether recycling used paper and pigments or reducing sludge, the Flottweg Decanter is the optimal solution at every step in the process of reusing waste water.

Have questions about processing wastewater with decanter centrifuges? Want to learn more about our environmentally friendly solutions for the paper industry? Contact us now!

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