Engineered For Your Success

Quality philosophy
and certificates

Success is … the highest quality level.

For more than 60 years, the name Flottweg has stood for separation technology at the highest level. We manufacture decanters, separators, belt presses, and systems for mechanical solid/liquid separation. This technology performs key industrial functions in clarifying liquids, separation of liquid mixtures, or concentrating and dewatering solids. Flottweg is constantly developing its centrifuges and belt presses and introducing new types and variants to the market.

The long-term stability and continuity of the company can only be guaranteed by high-quality processes and products. The safety of products and solutions is an essential part of Flottweg's mechanical engineering philosophy. Flottweg guarantees maximum quality, safety, and optimum performance through the application of guidelines and standards. Many years of experience and proven engineering practice form the basis for the development of safe machines and plants. All our machines are developed and manufactured exclusively in Germany.

Quality that speaks for itself

Here you can download the current ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, and ISO 3834 certificates:

Other certificates:

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